This experimental project explores the theme of inner conflict, brought to life through a creative collaboration with George Mkheidze and Tata Tavdishvili.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet tellus sed erat egestas venenatis quis eu elit. Morbi gravida erat ut augue placerat ullamcorper. Aliquam imperdiet quam eu libero sollicitudin, ac ornare purus pretium. Nulla eu lectus tortor.
While watching a stunning video shot in Georgia (the country) by my talented friend George Mkheidze, I was immediately struck with inspiration. Visualizing some unconventional and “weird” ideas, I felt compelled to challenge myself and see where creativity could take me.
This project became a playground for experimenting with editing flow and crafting a unique video-storytelling structure. Starting with no clear plan, I embraced the creative process, letting the footage guide my imagination and instincts.
Here’s the result of that journey, born purely from curiosity and a passion for visual storytelling.
Original Video: Watch it here
“შიში” /she-shee/ in Georgian language means “Fear “
I chose to retain the female character but wanted to give her a deeper purpose. Inspired by the idea of an internal struggle, I envisioned her battling her inner demons. To symbolize this conflict, I introduced a cube object—a visual representation of her fear.
At the start of the video, her eyes turn red, symbolizing her inner demons fully taking control of her body. This transformation sets the stage for the emotional and visual journey ahead.
Determined to reclaim control, she finally confronts her inner demons. She begins to manipulate the negative energy surrounding her, depicted as a swirling black liquid, using her hands and aura. This marks the start of her fight for inner peace and strength.